Accessibility Assessments

Who could benefit from an assessment?

  • Are you a business looking to increase your customer base?
  • Do you have trouble with employee turnover?
  • Are you someone with a disability or mobility issues looking for work?
  • Are you someone with a disability or mobility issues that needs your home to be more accessible for your needs?


A work environment, business, service, facility or program that is easy to approach, enter, participate in, operate, and use.


Anything that gets in the way of people participating in day-to-day activities, or taking part in opportunities that are available to all citizens including physical, information and communication, attitudinal and systemic barriers

It’s NOT just about building code

Doesn’t BC building code take care of all this stuff?

That is the most common question I hear. The answer is simple! NO!

  • The building code covers new buildings
  • The building code only requires a building to come up to “code” if they undergo “significant” alterations or renovations
  • The building code lacks functionality and common sense  

Businesses Looking For More Revenue

Did you know? In British Columbia, there are over 700, 0001 people who self-identify as having a disability. What does that mean for your business? If we estimate that each individual in this market segment (700,000) has a disposable income at $50 a month; that works out $35 Million a month and more than $400 Million a year being spent in the marketplace. If they can not get into your facility they cannot spend money.  Take a moment to think about your own business.  If your business doesn’t a noticeable and consistent influx of persons with disabilities. YOU ARE LOSING MONEY!

Businesses Having Trouble Finding and Keeping Quality Employees

People with disabilities have an employment rate that is about 20 percent lower than those without disabilities; 400,000 are working-age (15-64). People with disabilities have comparable education levels to those of people without disabilities. Many of them are looking for customized employment that could suit the needs of your business.

People with disabilities appreciate comfort, and consistency in their work routine. This is rewarded with loyalty. This results in a 15-40% lower attrition rate than other businesses in comparable industries. This translates directly into money in your pocket as you save the cost of hiring and training new employees!

How do we help? We provide a comprehensive unique assessment that will provide your business with a checklist of things that need to be improved upon.

The report covers multiple areas and specific points that also include a review of staff members.

We do charge a fee for the report and any consultation that is done. ***Please Note*** Our Fees are based on a customized package, your individual needs, and your budget. ALL FEES WILL BE AGREED UPON BEFORE ANY WORK IS STARTED!

Once your business has made the necessary changes, I will list your business name on this site as a company we have reviewed, I will also give you a mention on Twitter, Facebook, and G+. Additional social media and marketing packages are available.

Personal Residences

Everyone experiences aging, some of us experience life-changing events, and others are born with limitations. All of which will require specific and individual accommodations to someone’s home. With the rising cost of care and support, it is estimated that 80% of care for those with long-term disabilities (in Canada) is provided by family and friends. This is 5 Billion dollars of unpaid labour annually to the healthcare system.

Steve Bertrand
407-640 Fisgard Street, Victoria BC V8W 1R6
 (250) 888-3660