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Barrier Free Definition

What is barrier free?

Design for those with physical or other disabilities, involving the provision of alternative means of access to steps (e.g. ramps and lifts (elevators) for those with mobility problems). It is also called universal or barrierfree design.

More on why disabilities bring cash

Last time I gave you a generic overview a little bit about my world of accessibility consulting, combined with how disabilities help business in a number of ways. Simply put…disabilities bring cash! 1. What if you are not accessible you’re missing out on massive revenue explained in this blog… And also this page of the website… 2. If you’re looking for long-term employees for business people with disabilities are a great option for a number of reasons explained in the same blog…

I want this blog to help everybody not just people with disabilities I wanted to help everybody get a better understanding that if you are willing to be inclusive you can succeed in a major way. And much like how I do things in my life I want people to understand if there’s a very practical approach to everything you need to deal with in either becoming more accessible or becoming an employee when you have a disability. Remember disabilities bring cash either through increased revenue or for an individual with a disability to gain employment and make some money 🙂 I look forward to being a resource for everybody when you’re looking for an employee or employment. Things that you won’t necessarily know to look for without experience.

If you are a business, I can help you find cost-effective changes to make your business more accessible and help the disabled community find your business.

For individuals, I will help you with things like Disability disclosure and how to ask for what you need without it affecting your employability.

Why disabilities lead to business success.

We Hate Stairs is a very focused website it was created and is focused on helping our society become more accessible for those with disabilities and mobility issues.

I will admit right off the bat, that I speak from my own experience of being born with Cerebral Palsy and using and manual wheelchair to get around. I have full sensation and I am blessed to be able to walk with an assertive device for short periods of time. I also drive a car and live independently.

I created this website and my business of Accessibility Consultation out of necessity. I have been involved in the business world through many previous jobs as well as many previous attempts at being an entrepreneur.  I am constantly meeting new people and discovering new businesses. A surprising amount of these businesses are not accessible, meaning I cannot even enter the building!

This both frustrated and intrigued me. It was at this point I looked at some of the reasons a business may not be accessible.

  1. Awareness, meaning a lot of have no clue what it is like to be disabled in society and more importantly accessibility for all means more than what “building codes” address!
  2.  I don’t know what needs to be done to be more accessible, meaning what changes will I need to make as a business?
  3. The last and I believe the BIGGEST reason for a lack of accessibility, is MONEY! There I said it! I know there will be people out there that will disagree and they will go as far as to argue with me on this point. ( I have been in many debates about the subject of accessibility ).  However, when I explain to business owners that people with disabilities have money to spend AND WANT TO SPEND IT IN YOUR BUSINESS, it changes the conversations greatly. I actually use math and tangible numbers to illustrate my point How we help.

It is not just money from business owners that will cure this issue the governments and municipalities need to make accessibility a priority, not only in terms of the customers of businesses but for potential employees as well.

About 25 per cent of British Columbians have a university degree.
In comparison, 17 percent of people with a disability have a university
degree while 33 percent have a non-university post-secondary certificate.

Source: Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics, 2011, Statistics Canada

The employment rate for people with disabilities is 18 percentage points
lower than for people without a disability.

Source: Participation and Activity Limitation Survey, 2006, Statistics Canada

What these above stats don’t mention, is that most people with a disability enjoy routine in their working environment so businesses that hire someone with a disability will have less turnover.